Tamara Willems

on the first day of July…

♪ It’s Canada Day up Canada way on the first day of July ♪
this is what I’m thinking this morning, usually the first thing
that runs through my mind when the day is upon us
our beloved Stompin’ Tom Connors, sung to us with pride
and just what else might I be thinking about,
I know you’re just dying to ask…

I come first thing, with my coffee and book
to sit outside by the small pond
I am reading this morning about the ethics of gardening
our ideas or ideals of aesthetics
about diversity and compassion
for life
of all kinds
I think about my own kind of wildness
freedom to let things
also about the very grandness of my dear friend Dulcie
who’s foresight in naturalization I admire so very much
(among so many things)
and I wonder here for a moment..  if I’ve told her this?
Or have I simply relied on our powers of telepathic connection in this regard,
(speaking of which, this brings the perfect interruption in thoughts,
to send her out
a little love on a wing)

I find myself frequently pausing in my reading to chat with the toads,
one who has ventured in for a swim, and another who
circumnavigates the sleeping bodies of sprawled out dogs
at my feet
before eventually slipping into the water himself
a little while later, yet another toad approaches
as the first two float rather lazily among the water lettuces
surrounded by the busy swish of tadpoles
and while I marvel at the easy-going-ness of a toad
just hopping along at his own speed
this one comes to sit just beside me
and with his lightning fast tongue
snatches up unsuspecting ants
for his breakfast
I admire him for this
as ants may not be my favourites, but every living thing
has its purpose
realizing that sat here, this morning’s wildlife special
is giving me a sore neck from looking down
I think it maybe time again

the clouds again today are magnificent, bright beautiful puffs
across a gorgeous sky
brings me here to thinking of a friend
who just recently mirrored my thoughts of how very, very
the sky appears of late
a brief chat, but one that now has me thinking most days
of her,  Yes… but did you see it today!, Look at it now!!
Amazing! – every time I look
possibly she…  is looking up

I’m thinking too as I watch the birds, the squirrels
and the chipmunks come and go
of how people will feed the birds, but don’t wish
the squirrels to have any
of how serious their frustration can be
and how odd it seems to me, to choose a species to feed
while denying, (in some cases removing
in other cases much more violent options) another
and just how it is you explain this
to the animals –  that you yourself are in charge
out here
and why is it they..  just cannot seem to understand
this !?!

also I’ve been thinking about my Aunt Pat
and how much I still miss her
yesterday being her birthday, wondering if I managed
to tell her often enough, just how very important she was
to me, how much I loved her
I think I did, but I tell her again for her birthday… 
just to be sure

I think too, of just how many ways there are
to say
i love you

today, being Canada Day I am also feeling
how very grateful I am
to be
and not …  there
(you know how we do this)

how very lovely the sun feels on my skin
hot, soothing
the breeze through my hair
how very fortunate and blessed is a life
deep thinking, mindfulness
and wonder

how very much I consciously surround myself
with love
(and how very necessary…)

as I look up to see another toad slowly climb his way
out of the pool
how very delighted I am
to see
the first monarch, that just this minute

in my garden.  

I hope today, your day
is blessed
love ♥

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