Tamara Willems

zero zero

In conversation with my Mother yesterday,
You have a birthday coming up, she says to me
(it’s still very much a month away)
well, hopefully I will call you then

even if you don’t, I tell her (one more time)
I don’t keep score

I am not one to tally points
don’t have a competitive bone
in my

don’t keep track of wrongs and
of who did what and
also happen to not
have a very good memory for such things
so if you ARE one such tally-er
and I have somehow missed
or consequently
a thing,
well, chances are I may have, lost a few gold stars
from my chart

and that’s ok

my love language, to use a
phrase of the day
is just that…  love
and really of the unconditional sort

love is in my language, and most certainly
in my intention

even, I will say
on days, when I may have retreated
to the farthest and deepest corners of my cave
where I have hung my sign
to NOT
when I have most assuredly, and ever so firmly
bolted the door

should you happen by
and possibly, quite cautiously
slip a bit paper under the door
to say that you
are in need
or perhaps I may have just caught a glimpse of
through my small window

I would still, most definitely
with my love for you

maybe even,
in my own sort-of-way, I would,
wrap my arms around you
tilt our heads up to that brightest bit of blue
and just quietly, while we breathe in
this day

I might say to you,
in an almost whispered kind of way,

Just look at that sky!  Do you see… what I see!?!

it’s still love

and this…
this day,
was not to be missed ♥

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