Today at the gas station
while my husband
a car drives in,
and as it passes, I think
to myself
that looks almost like my Aunt Maureen
from there, thoughts wander
how really lovely she was
how, I always thought of her
especially, when wrapped in her arms
and… I wonder (again to myself)
if I told her
how much I loved her
and, even though she’s been gone
for many years now
today still feels
like the perfect time
International Women’s Day
a day to celebrate
and possibly reflect on every
I have known, do know
come from, and am surrounded by
remarkable women, strong women
resilient women, smart, beautiful
in every way
amazing, awe-mazing women
of course, my own mother,
my sister, Aunts, cousins, I have daughters
many, many women friends, some
very close friends
mothers of friends who have blessed me greatly
women I work with, women who have
touched my life
women I learn from, women I
light posts, candles and keepers of
the constant flame
my hope is that I have given
at least some small part
of what I
have received
in love, in kindness, in
in shoulder, in sweetness and
and today, we celebrate the very importance
of women
in gratitude, in equality, in
it is my hope,
to always say, I love you
as the worthiness of you
is infinite ♥
“When a woman thinks she is nothing, the little sparrows cry.
Who can defend them on the terrace, if no one has the vision of a world without slingshots?”
~ Fatema Mernissi