A few further thoughts, (and I’ll blame this on facebook always asking me What’s on your mind?… a dangerous question, you’ll see)
First to the beauty of my mid-October dahlia, whose colour is divine, to the tiny visitor at her centre, and to the crinkle and curl in her petals brought on by a frost that in no way diminishes her delicate beauty or … her strength. (see also further studies of me as a flower)
Secondly, again to thinking about my dear Mrs. Pedden and how I could possibly have forgotten here name, and just how much it pains me to refer to someone as ‘She’ – (as I annoyingly admonish anyone who uses this term with- in my very best English accent- “and just who is She, the cat’s Mother!?!”)
— if in fact you have no idea what I am talking about here, clearly you have not been following along 😒
And also this, just to add, whenever I write out thoughts/ideas/suggestions – it is never to make myself sound saintly or better than in anyway. Mostly as I have heard someone say, it is a way of talking to oneself.. but out loud.
In the end, Mrs. Pedden was in her mid-nineties and she did eventually move to a home for the aged. When she and her daughter told me of the move, I saw her off and wished her well, with thoughts that I would indeed visit her there. Yet I never did. The senior’s home is not really within walking distance for me, and I am really just not a visitor.
I don’t ever beat myself up about this, or really have any regrets, as I know well, this is just who I am and my nature. I don’t wish I had done it differently, because I just know.. I wouldn’t have.
I rarely invite anyone in, I have a slight panic whenever someone says, “let’s get together’. I don’t mean to come across as unfriendly, uninviting or uncaring. As I have mentioned before, I am just not much for the telephone and while I do keep a caring heart on two of my other elderly neighbours who now both live alone, it is still just in my own way. I shovel their snow in winter, we have a brief chat as we pass by, we wave and smile.
Never would I want you to think I am telling you just how very wonderful and serving I am, as I do know many, many, many, manymanymanymany people who are quite a bit more wonderful than I, and do indeed do wonderful things in the world.
My only intention here is to say to you, as well as to myself, that I do believe every little bit of kindness is so very essential to our (the whole of us as human kind) to our well-being.
And this… is my heart. 💗
And also.. I think I use entirely too many commas.. 🤔
Oh, and lastly, if you have somehow unwillingly been caught up in the tangle of my wandering thoughts.. let me also say,
just think
how very delightful it must be..
for my lovely husband! 😏