Tamara Willems

if only, you are attentive…

There is some quote that I have read, it says something about
not letting the world harden
your heart
sometimes situations and the actions of others can make it
so very hard
frustrated, I can feel myself badly wanting
to retreat,
to withdraw further
I suppose this is when I know,  I have been absorbing
far too much
just what is it I am carrying,  (most often not even mine)
causing the strain in my shoulders
and neck
the set tightness of my jaw

deeply inhaling, I know it is time
to set the weight of this

when I go in search of that particular quote,
what  instead comes to find me
is this

“The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.”
~ Thich Nhat Hanh

and there it is, reminding me,
I know well
how to take the layers of weariness

I rise with the sun, step out to feed the birds
fully filling my lungs with cool fresh air
in the bathroom a rainbow appears on the floor
(sun shining through shampoo bottles, I think..
but later disappears)
someone new at the suet,  a Red-Bellied Woodpecker no less
what a beaut!
out for a walk in sunshine with my love
hand to hold   (gratefully so)
a brief stop in to the second-hand shop to
look for treasures
idly browsing, a picture catches my eye
framed in the softest of pink, on it I read
   Strength and Balance takes practice
and I let this little morsel
gently work its way through my skin
as quietly,  I continue to
pick up a new cup for my tea
(having, the other night,  knocked the handle off the last one)
and of course, a couple of books
one of which, I later find
includes a book mark,  (a  favourite thing to discover tucked inside)
and a lovely written inscription
from someone kind

while my husband readies himself for work
I put the kettle on, and go out with my camera
and new seed for the birds
in the gardens I come across
the very first sighting
little green sprouts
the surest, loveliest, mightiest little signs
of hope
to be found

and so it is here I decide
to leave that heavy cloak of unwanted bother
in the snow
and just…  tread lightly

as gladly on
go ♥

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