hello sleeping beauty
We need shared gestures, small ceremonies that help us pay attention, that let us see and honour the mystery of the other every day. This is the commitment my soul longs to make to the world. ~ Oriah Today, I…
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We need shared gestures, small ceremonies that help us pay attention, that let us see and honour the mystery of the other every day. This is the commitment my soul longs to make to the world. ~ Oriah Today, I…
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I’m sat in my chair this morning, it’s pouring rain outside on this very grey November morning .. and the clouds just parted, the sun shone through brightly right on my face and in my eyes. I closed my eyes…
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I just finished my pre-op interview with a nurse at the hospital While going through the checklist questionnaire thingy (i’m pretty sure that’s what it’s called) she said to me, “Oh, I have to ask you, If you have a…
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