seeking beauty…

I’ve had this feeling for a few days, I want to see something beautiful I want to feel something W O N D E R f u l to wander I guess.. sometimes this is how I travel in beautiful…
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I’ve had this feeling for a few days, I want to see something beautiful I want to feel something W O N D E R f u l to wander I guess.. sometimes this is how I travel in beautiful…
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“ Shall we make a new rule of life… always try to be a little kinder than is necessary?” a wonderful quote from J. M. Barrie in The Little White Bird “What a marvelous line, isn’t it? Kinder than is…
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We have been doing some things in the house, much overdue painting, and such which leads to necessary cleaning of nooks and crannies and my eternal vow to reduce stuff admittedly I am not a very good housekeeper this comes…
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(I would like to dedicate this post to my friend Diana Beach, who I know as I write this, is right here with me …) Autumnal Equinox: The point at which the Sun’s path crosses the celestial equator moving from…
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Today I’m thinking about Love and loss and how they change one’s perspective on things and how still, to return to gratitude My turtle has died and I am gutted. That’s ok, I can see eyes rolling, sideways glances… …
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Many times, I have said or sent this statement to someone I know. “As you may know, I am a strong believer that if you are thinking something lovely, about someone – you should indeed say it, out loud. So…
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So here it is, it happens that for some reason, maybe you are mad at him, and possibly you’re not speaking, (as sometimes it’s better not to say anything, than to say things you don’t mean) purely hypothetical here, but……
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One of the nicest things about my love of wildflowers, is that each day can be such a wonderful surprise. This morning, even before I am fully awake I am thinking about her. I am eager in anticipation of finally…
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Do you choose the words, or do the words choose you? Do you choose the love or does the love choose you? Are you the sum of your parts or are your parts the sum of you? One of the…
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The house is quiet when I come down and for this, this morning I am grateful I stretch out my arms to greet the day, and feel this space and the quiet I smile and I breathe pour my coffee…
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