traces of me here…

I am nudged awake this morning by a great rumble of thunder and a smile I happen to love thunder such an amazing, awe inspiring resounding voice unseen it sounds as if the whole of the sky will just open…
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I am nudged awake this morning by a great rumble of thunder and a smile I happen to love thunder such an amazing, awe inspiring resounding voice unseen it sounds as if the whole of the sky will just open…
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If I could give to you this day then My, how you would shine! the bluest of skies and the sun in her brightest glory not a day for squinting or shade but to open your arms wide and to…
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…to the blessings of Love, of life and a nice bowl of cherries We do not lose any of our light by simply shining it on others quite the opposite, really we, instead illuminate I watch in blessed awe and…
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I could be perfectly content to spend my days wandering here and scattering seeds among the colours of the earth each delicate soft hue and bold burst of beauty captures my soul and tickles my fancy every leaf and tendril…
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it is true grief can be a treacherous thing it weighs us down it hangs us low it clings to our skin and gets in our clothes it threatens to become our scent for fear of drowning we thrash and…
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My day off, A much relished lie in. Waking my jaw is tight, sore right arm and this problematic finger is firmly in lock down. Clearly concerns for friends, and life’s uncertainties have entered my subconscious. and I am…
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to you, with my apologies, if we have just met … ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ so, as you may have noticed I am just not good at small talk and most times social anxiety threatens to eat me alive my mind racing faces…
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waking up to rain showers scurrying in the window tapping their way across the sill to jumping and splashing along the floor can’t seem to concentrate on my book it feels like a transitioning kind of day there has been…
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