and today, sitting with presence …

This morning skies are overcast and dull it is humid and I am in need of time to empty out the contents of a tired mind overrun by wild monkeys This morning I am reading about mercy and kindness, and…
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This morning skies are overcast and dull it is humid and I am in need of time to empty out the contents of a tired mind overrun by wild monkeys This morning I am reading about mercy and kindness, and…
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Today I am sifting and sorting thinning and releasing trying to rid myself of stuff and generally making myself sick I am terribly allergic to dust and therefore find myself constantly caught between avoiding it altogether or letting it settle…
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A walk of gratitude in the garden between showers to feel this yesterday around 5:15 rather hot and tired, he picks me up he in a crisp blue shirt the finish of another work day for both of us as…
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It has become like a sort of longing… it’s my day to write and really, what have I got to say, I come to sit in the sun in the lovely quietness of my gardens blazing beams of glorious light…
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It comes in a wave, there’s the moment when you stand outside looking up at the sky grey on one side, brightest blue on the other the breeze picks up a little then a lot the trees are heavily swayed…
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Today’s disclaimer: the opinions in the following are entirely my own, they are not meant to entice, enrage or accuse.. We each have our own stories and versions as such…. I read once in a memoir of Nuala O’Faolain, “that…
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Sometimes it is necessary to just sit still and let your joy come to you some days it’s all I’ve got even on the days when just one brief bit of joy seems improbable impossible maybe even unlikely I know…
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This morning after a read of my book, I listen to a Ted talk by the inimitable Anne Lamott: 12 Truths I learned from life and writing. I love Ted talks, of all kinds, I could easily while away the…
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This is a true story in which sunshine, my lovely husband and a little James Taylor manage to save me once again. I can feel myself thinning not so much as to say I may be losing weight but rather,…
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“The faster we run, the more determined is the Universe to slow us down. The more embedded our methods of self-distraction, the more agitating the truth-aches calling us back to authenticity. The more eagerly we race to the sky, the…
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