when all i can do…

(I have written this today especially for my niece who is struggling for wellness. Also for her Dad, Mum and her sister. And too.. it is for you, should you need it. ) My open letter to you who are…
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(I have written this today especially for my niece who is struggling for wellness. Also for her Dad, Mum and her sister. And too.. it is for you, should you need it. ) My open letter to you who are…
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When I rise before the sun it is pouring rain, I scribble down a few words and when again, I look up, the sky is a bright blue and clouds are sailing… most often on this day February 24th I…
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The day begins aware that the fingers on my right hand have no wish to unfurl gracefully overworked laying, gazing at my husband’s skin the trail of tiny hairs that run down his back wanting to reach out and gently…
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How to unpack the heaviness of the things we carry? I am known to carry useless things the weight of the worries of someone else coupled with my own insecurities and fears mounds of things ‘temporarily stored’, growing in piles…
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“There is no beautifier of complexion, or form, or behavior, like the wish to scatter joy and not pain around us.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson The day after, the day of love and how is it you feel I am…
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Today, I wish you love and tomorrow and yesterday too this is my wish for you I wish that you are blessed by love that you feel loved that you speak of love that you hear words of love in…
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I am up quite early much before the rest of the house even the sun Sweetie the canary still sits plumped up head nestled under wing the cats are curled into warm balls of fur looking like pure snugly comfort…
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On the inside of me I am smiling wide ode to a peaceful morning, a fairly restful sleep, a much needed lie in and the feeling of a Friday – no obligation day I decline accompanying my husband and number…
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I haven’t been feeling so well this week so I’ve been kind of laying low nothing too serious mind you just a bit of monkeying with some allergy meds combined with too many back and forth trips down the road,…
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