Tamara Willems
January 29, 2021
#meplusyou, #mrmoonlight, #shinedownonlove, #wherewouldibe, #wolfmoon
The moon was full, yet almost impossible to see through the clouds still, I leaned over the sink several times, looked up craning my neck, hoping for something brighter to shine through you know he says, I think I’m in love with your toes it’s the bubblegum pink…
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Tamara Willems
January 24, 2021
On this day to begin, let nothing vexing draw you in no feathers need ruffling no disturbances to settle look up from the book you’ve disappeared into slip off your slippers, and instead slide into some boots outside the softest showering of snowflakes a near silent dusting of freshness descending don’t…
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Tamara Willems
January 21, 2021
#brightnewday, #gratefulliving, #ofnewhope, #returntolight, #smallbitsofgreen
And again let us turn to more hopeful things, like the sun try as I might not to involve myself in American politics the fact of being subject to such an obnoxious inhumane disruptive neighbour for what felt like such a long and pain-filled time, then witnessing a rather…
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Tamara Willems
January 17, 2021
#beinglove, #lovebeing, #morningwalkofgratitude, #noticethislife, #stepout, #whattheworldneedsnow
To walk outside on what may feel like an endless string of dull grey mornings to breathe deeply in the fresh cold dampened air fill your lungs then another large gulp and let it filter through every wonderous bit of your body washing down to your toes take…
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Tamara Willems
January 10, 2021
#beingpeace, #bewell, #shutoutthenoise, #toyouthisday, #withlovefromme
Waking early with the words do not go back to sleep filtering in like bits of dappled light subtle yet kindly persistent soft steps through a slumbering houseresonate as a grateful sigh warm water and lemon while I wait on the coffee a book on top…
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Tamara Willems
January 6, 2021
#findingthesun, #shadowdays, #tobereal, #toyouthisday, #writeyourselfwell
Traditionally it would seem January is not so kind it (and I) beginning in fact as a porcupine, kind of cute but rather spiky bits of holiday detritus persistently strewn everywhere sunless days in dull stretches of freeze and thaw when the neck of my sweater feels too tight the strands…
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Tamara Willems
January 1, 2021
#newyear, #rumi, #tobegin, #tobeinglove, #toyouthisnewday
Begin this day in whispers… of goodness and grace move through the morning in silence and ever so pleasingly solaced a year of unknowns, untruths and fears a strange time, when certainly one of the best decisions made was to turn off the news no…
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