even this…

This morning, I wanted to write, but suffering a bit from monkey mind just haven’t made the uninterrupted time required wanted to tell you again that just 600 pages in to this book I’m reading how very much I love…
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This morning, I wanted to write, but suffering a bit from monkey mind just haven’t made the uninterrupted time required wanted to tell you again that just 600 pages in to this book I’m reading how very much I love…
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How on earth to remain loving and kind in these our strange days let me tell you all I know, if you fill yourself up, with unequivocal gladness with simple easily sustained joys with boundless, bound- less love fill yourself…
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When you have anchored your very you-ness in love yet find this day, you are so perfectly ensconced in the disastrous-ness of a potentially combustible bad mood and despite warning those in close proximity of highly explosive materials contained the…
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Yesterday he comes in with an armload of flowers for the garden realizing this as the first Thanksgiving in twenty-four he has not had to be at work I suppose we thank covid for this finding our blessings in these…
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Yesterday afternoon while sweeping up in the greenhouse where I work I quite accidentally got a grasshopper caught up in the broom rather gravely too, I think and felt so terribly terrible apologizing to him over and over I’m so…
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What if we allow ourselves to be drawn in to love by goodness not drawn in to hate by malicious intent to not celebrate in the disparity of some while in a fight for fair and just-ness for all what…
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