wrapping myself in love…

Today, I am wrapping myself in love.. I wake up this morning worried about a friend who has been hurt at work, and wearing the helplessness of the wait as well as concern for a friend who has been hurt…
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Today, I am wrapping myself in love.. I wake up this morning worried about a friend who has been hurt at work, and wearing the helplessness of the wait as well as concern for a friend who has been hurt…
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If you follow me here, you may possibly be aware of my fondness for books, I am almost equally as passionate about documentaries I suppose the obvious thing that relates here is just how very much I love stories stories…
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“Which of all my important nothings shall I tell you first?” ~ Jane Austen in a letter to her sister, June 15, 1808 And so begins my day… this morning I send a message to a much deserving friend, just…
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One of the fun things about me now owning a cell phone, is that I have the ringtone set to a small symphony and when on occasion it plays, (obviously not a call coming from someone I know, as clearly…
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“Finding where exactly the outside world ends and I begin—is not so easy.” ~ Nora Bateson There are a couple of writers whose writing I greatly admire well of course, that’s ridiculous there are many, many, many, many what I…
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The house is quiet when I get up after a pretty glorious lie in although signs of life are everywhere no one is .. anywhere number one son volunteers at the hospital on Friday mornings, and my husband is busy…
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The morning dawns as most days, in a quiet smile and gratefulness to begin a rather overcast day it appears, and although I have heard the snowplow thundering its way down the street, I am in no hurry to rush…
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This morning I finish a book and I am completely broken, a very large pile of tissues beside me still, in the quiet of a beautiful morning, sat sobbing my heart out I have just finished The Bright Hour a…
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